03 March 2017
How I use Mync everyday
Since Mync has been existing since EDIUS 8.0 (It was called as GV Browser before Mync), I have been using Mync to manage video clips and photos. I already have 5385 media files in Mync. One of the major reason I started using Mync was to manage scattered files on external hard disk drives.
My media files are stored in 3 locations, 1) Internal drive of my laptop PC, 2) External hard disk drive at the office, 3) External hard disk drive at home. There was no good way to manage files stored in 3 locations before started using Mync.
Once the files were registered in the Mync database, Mync keeps the thumbnails even the disks that contain those files are disconnected, If you assign a different drive letter to each disk, you will know where the original file is stored.